
Customer information on Brexit

by Maj-Len Ehrnrooth | Feb 07, 2019

On Thursday 23 June 2016 a non-binding referendum was held to decide whether the UK should leave or remain in the European Union. The side supporting to leave won by 51.9% against 48.1%. The turnout was 71.8%, with more than 30 million people voting.  Following the referendum on Friday 29 March 2017, Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty was triggered by the British Prime Minister, after a majority of the Parliament voted in favour of it.

Due to the above decisions, on Friday 29 March 2019,  unless something else is agreed, the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union, with or without a Withdrawal Agreement.

In case the separation is without a Withdrawal Agreement, a so called ‘Hard Brexit’ the relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union is similar to the relationship between Russia and the EU.

Transfennica has more than 10 years of expertise in dealing with trade to ‘Third Party Countries’, and we are here to assist you with the new challenges. Please do not hesitate to ask your contact person for assistance, who will obtain the latest information from the Brexit team at Transfennica.

In the meantime you should collect and be prepared to transfer at least following information which might be more than you are supplying us today:

  1. Exporter’s name, address and / or EORI number.
  2. Importer’s name, address and / or EORI number.
  3. (Contact) details of any agent responsible for making declarations for or on behalf of the exporter or importer.
  4. Country of origin of the goods.
  5. Country of destination of the goods.
  6. Package count and package type.
  7. Description of goods and shipping marks (labelling).
  8. Taric (HS) code, minimum 4 possibly up to all digits.
  9. Gross and net weights per Taric (HS) code.
  10. Value and terms of sale and the Unique Consignment Reference (UCR)
  11. (Customs) Seal number

We recommend that you also check with the Customs of the country of exportation or importation as well as your local UK Customs.

More information can be obtained from links below:

European Union Brexit Information

British International Freight Association HM Revenue and Customs Links

British Government Brexit Information

In case you have further questions regarding this matter, please send them to:
